Japanese Keyword Extraction API


By using Japanese Keyword Extraction API, you can create an application which extracts "keywords" from an input document.

Overview: Japanese Keyword Extraction API

Japanese Keyword Extraction API extracts "keywords", such as person names, location names, organization names, and so on, from an input document consisting of a title and a body. The "keywords" are scored by the position of appearance in the title and the body, the number of occurrences in the document, and the type of named entity.

The "keywords" are useful to tag news articles to make it easier to search.



Request parameters

Acceptable POST requests: application/x-www-form-urlencoded or application/json
※ Please be note that GET requests are not acceptable.

Parameter name Explanation
app_id (Required) Application ID(Required item)
request_id Request ID
If omitted, then request_id is assumed to be “form|pos|read”
title (Required) Japanese title string to analyze(Required item)
body (Required) Japanese body string to analyze(Required item)
max_num Maximum number of keywords to output
If omitted, then max_num is 10.
focus Type of named entity to focus attention on
Select a type of the named entity to focus attention on from "ORG" (organization name), "PSN" (person name), and "LOC" (location name). The "focused" type gets more score. If omitted or set a type other than the above, then all types are scored equally.

Response parameters

API response body: JSON format
API content-type: application/json

Parameter name Explanation
request_id Same value as request.
focus Same value as request.
keywords The list of keywords
The array of keywords with a score.

Input/Output sample

Input sample(application/json)

{"app_id":"[発行されたapp_id]","request_id":"record006","title":"「和」をコンセプトとする 匿名性コミュニケーションサービス「MURA」 gooラボでのβ版のトライアル実施 ~gooの検索技術を使った「ネタ枯れ防止機能」によりコミュニティの話題活性化が可能に~","body":"NTTレゾナント株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:若井 昌宏、以下、NTTレゾナント)は、同じ興味関心を持つ人と匿名でコミュニティをつくることができるコミュニケーションサービス「MURA」を、2015年8月27日よりgooラボ上でβ版サイトのトライアル提供を開始します。","max_num":3,"focus":"ORG"}

Output sample


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Japanese Analysis API

Japanese Morphological Analysis API
Japanese Named Entity Extraction API
Japanese Hiragana Conversion API
Japanese Keyword Extraction API
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